Crunch - Ab Machine

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 25-40 Wght


Intermediate Abdominals Obliques Strength Ab Crunch Machine Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise works the abdominals.

Benefits: The machine isolates the abdominal muscles allowing you to fine-tune those muscles.

Sit in the ab crunch machine. Put your elbows on the pads at the sides and grip the handles. Place your feet under the restraining bar. Use only a light weight. This is the starting position. Slowly bend over until your elbows touch your knees. Exhale during this movement. Do not use heavy weights unless your want to have large abdominals. Make sure that your back is curved, not flat. Pause briefly. Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

The abdominals consist of the abs and the obliques. The obliques and upper abs are both involved in to movements to the side. Cable crunch exercise is one that many people do incorrectly be using too much weight. Heavy weights will increase muscle size, thus making your waist look fat.

Step 1

Sit in an ab crunch machine, feet under the restraining bar, elbows on the side pads and gripping the handles.


Sit in the ab crunch machine. Put your elbows on the pads at the sides and grip the handles. Place your feet under the restraining bar. Use only a light weight. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Slowly bend over until your elbows touch your knees, with back curved, not straight.


Slowly bend over until your elbows touch your knees. Exhale during this movement. Do not use heavy weights unless your want to have large abdominals. Make sure that your back is curved, not flat. Pause briefly.

Step 3

Slowly return to the starting position.


Slowly return to the starting position while inhaling during this movement. Sit in the ab crunch machine. Put your elbows on the pads at the sides and grip the handles. Place your feet under the restraining bar.